
Amazon ASIN List's | 8 Million+ Products | Ranked as of 02/10/2020 | 25 ZIP Files Each Containing Up to 500,000 of the Top Ranked Products in Each of the Product Categories on Amazon.com | - ONLY $29.97

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Amazon ASIN List's | 8 Million+ Products | Ranked as of 02/10/2020 | 25 ZIP Files Each Containing Up to 500,000 of the Top Ranked Products in Each of the Product Categories on Amazon.com | - ONLY $29.97

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You will have access to the top selling 500,000 product ASIN’s of each product category on Amazon.com. All files combined cover over 8 million of the top selling products on Amazon.com in a total of 25 different product categories. These are organized by product category (Zip File) and best seller rank. Each zip file will contain up to 20 individual CSV files. The CSV files will contain 25,000 ASIN’s for ease of use and the ASIN's are ordered by best seller rank.

You can use these in your product research as well as programs such as Tactical Arbitrage.

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25 zip files named by product category containing over 8 million ASIN's in total. Each category contains up to 500,000 top selling ASINs broken down by sales rank, into to up 20 individual CSV files.

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